Mandatory statement of the obvious: Clicking a link to eBay or other affiliations may earn me a commission if a purchase is made.
I will use this money to buy more motorbike stuff, petrol and beer. But mostly beer. Cheers!


February Leap Year Update – When Life Throws a Curve

“When life throws you a curve, lean into it”

It’s been a pretty crap couple of months for biking, the weather has been naff. Wet and stormy, so no leasuire riding and some pretty miseable commuting has been it.

There’s also been a number of life’s challenges that have reared up and thrown some curve balls. From battling illnesses within the family, to work stresses and the sad loss of an old friend. It’s been a tough few weeks and we’re still not 100% in the clear yet.

Some things have progressed however. As you may have noticed this website has received a revamp and new look. An update that has been brewing in the side lines for a while, I hope you like it and would love to hear your feedback.

I have also been doing a fair bit of work for the ELAM group, managing their online presence and recently putting together a little promo video for their annual Folembray track weekend.

I hope your 2020 has had a better start and see you on the road soon!


Share with your buddies!

By Arthur

Seasoned London commuter, doing my best to stay rubber side down and never stop moving forward.

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