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I will use this money to buy more motorbike stuff, petrol and beer. But mostly beer. Cheers!


Hanging Leathers up for a While, and so Should You

The Coronavirus pandemic has now spread globally, has taken thousands of people and is accelerating in pace. Things just got real, very real. If we stand any chance of preventing our health service from being swamped in the coming weeks we need a drastic change in our social interactions, and that includes ride outs.

The biking season may be upon us, the weather improving and we’re all geared up to head out with biking buddies, but this would be very bad. You may be carrying the virus, your buddies may be carrying the virus, other people you meet may be carrying the virus, those you interact with at retail outlets may be carrying the virus. Symptoms from this virus don’t typically manifest themselves for 5 days, sometimes up to 14 days and some people carry the virus without developing any symptoms. You can’t guarantee those you’ve interacted with over the last couple of weeks didn’t have it, you can’t guarantee those you interact with on a ride out hadn’t picked it up from someone in the last couple of weeks. To head out because you feel fine today would be incredibly selfish to those you meet and those in your household for the coming weeks.

To head out because you feel fine today, would be incredible selfish

But I hear you say, I’ll just go for a solo ride, protect myself with helmet and gloves, fill up with petrol at a self-service pump and take my own thermos flask of tea. Sure, you probably won’t catch or spread the virus with this strategy. However, if you happen to break down you’ll be interacting with recovery staff and any other bikers who stop by to help out. If you have a tumble, it will be even worse. Sure, you may be the safest biker in the world, but unexpected things happen, potholes, debris in the road, diesel spill, or a mad driver thinking the roads are quiet and his to rally. When you find yourself injured in a hedge, don’t expect the incredibly stretched health service to get an ambulance to you in a hurry, don’t expect a free bed in hospital, don’t expect to see a doctor promptly or get any surgery in any time soon. But certainly, bank on picking up a nice Coronavirus infection from the warzone-like hospital as a souvenir.

So for these reasons, I’m hanging up my leathers until things change and I urge you all to do the same.

Staying healthy today so you can ride another day is the current priority.

Share with your buddies!

By Arthur

Seasoned London commuter, doing my best to stay rubber side down and never stop moving forward.

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