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I will use this money to buy more motorbike stuff, petrol and beer. But mostly beer. Cheers!


Mersea Island Essex Ride Out

The only thing worse than being stuck at work, is being stuck at work when there is perfect biking weather outside. So, the other day my wife and I booked the day off, dropped kids off at school and then just hit the road. Life’s too short.

We took a gentle bimble out into Essex with Mersea Island as our destination for lunch. Fairly familiar motorcycle roads Essex offers, but a good opportunity for Mary to continue building back her confidence and also test out her new Garmin Satnav. Here’s the route (though we plotted this in Garmin’s Base Camp app and then downloaded it to the satnav, which all worked perfectly).

We were hoping to take in a loop around the Burnham Bends on the return, but time was ticking on and fatigue kicking in from the hot weather and hay fever. 🙁

You can find many other top motorcycle routes Essex has to offer here.

Overall, we’ve been very impressed with the Garmin satnav. It was cheap (£160 at Aldi), it’s solid, no fuss, has decent apps for the Mac/PC, and just does the job. As Mary is not so hot at navigation, she’s found it’s helped her confidence a lot, giving her one less to worry about and concentrate on riding

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By Arthur

Seasoned London commuter, doing my best to stay rubber side down and never stop moving forward.

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