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Remembrance Day Ride to Duxford War Museam

“Lest we forget
What they were dying for
Lest we forget
What they were killing for
Lest we forget
What the hell it was for”

This remembrance Sunday I joined an ELAM ride out to Duxford War Museum, which had free entry for the weekend and many remembrance activities organised. The weather had brightened up, but the morning roads were wet and slippery with leaves and crud, so pace was conservative.

A-10 Thunderbolt, B-52, F-4 Phantom
A-10 Thunderbolt, B-52, F-4 Phantom

The museum was great to walk around, with a number of hangers full of planes from all ages, including the recently reopening American Air Hanger, featuring a Phantom, Blackbird spy plane and a full size B-52! Other highlights were the Concorde, Lancaster, Vulcan and B-17 Sally-B (of Memphis Belle film fame) being restored live on display.

B-17 Sally-B Restoration
B-17 Sally-B Restoration

The day finale was a fly by dropping many poppies across the airfield, followed by a good ride back on dry (ish) roads, under winter sun through Saffron Walden and Dunmow.

Normal ticket prices for Duxford aren’t cheap, especially considering the likes of RAF Hendon and Cosford are free, but nonetheless it’s a good museum with lots to see, especially on such a poignant occasion.

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By Arthur

Seasoned London commuter, doing my best to stay rubber side down and never stop moving forward.

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