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Bike Gear Deals at Lidl, Aldi and GetGeared

MTR K12 Flip-up Motorcycle Helmet Silv
MTR K12 Flip-up Motorcycle Helmet – £40

The biking season is almost on us, for you fair weather riders that is. 🙂 There’s deals on Lidl (from 27th Feb onwards), where you they’re flogging some basic gear; lids, gloves, thermals, socks etc. Check out the range here.
There will be a range of gear on offer at Aldi from 9th March, again basic lids, gloves, boots and base layers. More details can be found here.

However in direct competition GetGeared are offering some huge discounts on similar gear at similar prices. Check out their offers here.

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By Arthur

Seasoned London commuter, doing my best to stay rubber side down and never stop moving forward.

One reply on “Bike Gear Deals at Lidl, Aldi and GetGeared”

£40?! That is an incredibly cheap helmet.. I’m not sure I’d trust that thing in a crash situation! Safety gear is the last thing you want to be scrimping on, but thermals, socks etc, go for it I say!

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