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I will use this money to buy more motorbike stuff, petrol and beer. But mostly beer. Cheers!


How To: Prepare For Long Haul Motor Bike Riding

Today, I’d like to address the things you need to have with you when you are taking your motorcycle off for a long haul excursion. There are five things that I believe are absolutely essential to pack if you are going to hit the road for a long trip.

Long Haul Biker Gear
You may not need this much gear, but do pack these few essentials.


Whether it’s a video camera or a still camera, it’s always good to take a camera with you so you can preserve the memories that you find out on the road and at your final destination, with those who didn’t get the opportunity to join you on your trip.


Water is essential of life and if you leave home without it, it’s a sad sad day. You can take water in a bottle if you’ve got room to carry it in your saddlebags. You can take a hydration pack, great to sip water from whilst munching through the miles. Or, if you are wearing some sort of jacket that has armour in the back, you also have a pocket to store bladder with a hose that can come up to your neck. Water is simply one of the most important items you can take with you on any long haul.

Tyre Repair Kit

The next thing I’d like to talk about is tyre repair. Tyre repair is very important and a good puncture repair kit can be really handy. Often containing plugs, patches, a little bit of seal and some CO2 canisters. Just enough to get you to the next place, where can have a professional take a look at your tyre.

This slime kit is an excellent choice if you don’t want to remove your wheels from the motorcycle. You pump this slime in, fill with air with the mini compressor and then you should be able to get to your next destination.

Tool Kit

Another thing that I really believe in is a tool kit. Not just an average tool kit but a tool kit specific for your motorcycle. Cruise Tools make great units for metric Harley and sportbikes. They give you the tools needed to make essential motorcycle repairs on the road. Not too little, not too much.


Last and definitely not least, fuel. You won’t get very far without it! Learn the range of your motorcycle and learn to work with it. Reset your odometer after each fill-up, fuel gauges can be notoriously inaccurate. One minute full tank, a few miles later close to the reserve. Try and fill it up before embarking on your trip and always err on the side of caution.

These are the items I personally take with me when I hit the road. If you think I’ve left anything out, please feel free to let me know in the comments.

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By Lee

Lee is a part time, writer, full time dad and a motorcycle nut working for JWG a East Sussex based Suzuki motorcycle dealership offering specialist clothes for motorbike enthusiasts as well as CBT training for people who are just starting out.

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